Nigerian Leaders Lame Excuses For Banning Okada
Nigerian leaders are not content with stealing our commonwealth in their primitive
accumulation of wealth, they are also determined to punish the masses to bout.
The wickedness of the Nigerian leaders know no bounds. Capitalising on the
docility of the masses who literally bear their burdens without complain, but
with eyes and faith placed only in God, the merciless kleptomaniac leaders are
now bent on pushing the masses to the wall and the reaction could be
catastrophic if this madness is not halted immediately.
In Lagos State, okada that is one of the few means of
sustenance of the youths and the not so young in their quest to cater for their
families has been outlawed in several parts of the commercial capital of
Nigeria. This law was allowed to exist not minding that the government of the
day has no effective programme to address the job needs of the army of school
leavers and graduates being sent to the streets annually by our educational
institutions. The lame excuse by the Lagos State government for passing this
anti-people law was that there are lots of accidents that are attributed to the
commercial motorcyclists popularly called okada. But the same government have
not made laws to ban the use of cars because across the country including Lagos
there are even more accidents and deaths on the highways caused by reckless
driving. But they will not do that because that will stop them from using their
many SUVs and other fancy cars acquired through questionable means. Ordinarily
a caring leadership would have put in place a regulatory framework to address the
challenges posed in the operation of okada instead of banning it. It is even
most nauseating when it is realised that the same okada riders were used by the
governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, when he was campaigning
for both first and second terms in office as outridders that cleared the road
for him and other leaders at each campaign stop overs. Having used the okada
riders and their network to ride to power he decided to dump them in the
typical elites’ style of use and dump. But I have no doubt that this decision
will be dire to the residents of Lagos as cases of armed robbery and other
criminal tendencies will most certainly skyrocket.
Lagos incidentally is not alone in our leaders conspiracy to
do away with okada and take away even the miserable food that it put on the
dinning tables at the homes of the okada riders by a leadership berift of job
creating ideas but well learned in the art of money laundering and primitive
stealing of things that they don’t even need. In many parts of the North a
region battling with insurgency, okada has been banned or their movement
restricted because of the alleged use of okada to committ crimes. But strangely
the Boko Haram operatives use sophisticated cars like the SUVs that our leaders
‘worship’ in carrying out many of the
suicide bombings in the country including the recent one at Kaduna, but you
will never see your excellencies advocating the ban of SUVs because it would
affect their joy of driving through the ruins of the rundown neighbourhoods
they oppress with their ill gotten wealths. The other day I told a taxi driver
that their right so far to operate in Abuja is because Boko Haram has never
used taxis to carry out suicide bombing in Abuja and the day that will happen
may mark the end of taxis operating within the capital city.
Just yesterday(October 30, 2012), gunmen killed 18 people in Kabaru village in Zamfara
state. The gunmen were said to have descended on the village with motor bikes.
Given this development I will not be surprised if the government of Zamfara State
decides to ban okada in the state, as if robbers have not been using fancy cars
to terrorise people before in that state.
Nigeria’s over pampered leaders whose apetite for
conspicious consumption have little time for deep thinking thus they resort to quick fix measures to address the insecurity
in the country. And all they could come up with is to ban okada when a more
effective measure would have been to intensify effort at intelligence gathering
which is the most effective way to nip crime in the bud.
Make no mistake about it, the banning of okada to make way
for the leaders to ride their fancy cars without hinderance will cause them to
pay the price by sleeping but not resting. The robbers they breed will not
allow them to enjoy their ill gotten wealth and they would wish that they
endure some discomfort on the streets caused by okada riders than be at home
without being sure of seeing the next day.
It is the wicked policies of the leaders that have made the
robbers to be so destructive of lives in their operations. Already condemned to
death by their miserable conditions as a result of the policies of our leaders,
the robbers show no mercy to an uncaring society when they set out in their
This is therefore a warning to our leaders that the
ant-people policies they are making is breeding army of disgruntled elements
that will continue to make Nigeria one of the most unsafe places to do business
or raise a family in the world. The policy of banning okada should stop and
laws made to regulate their operation in the interest of the operators and
their passengers.
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