As Donald Trump Marches To The White House

The withdrawal of Ted Cruz from the United States Republican Party presidential nomination race after his loss at Indiana is the clearest indication that Donald Trump will emerge the presidential candidate of the Republican Party and on his way to the White House in November.
As this development sinks in non-state actors like ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Queda, El-Shabab, Al-Queda in Magreb must be quaking by now, as a president is about to emerge in United States "who does not know Joseph". A man who is about to put them out of business. Expectedly, those who are sympathetic to the ideology of these non-state actors are jittery too. They have embarked on scar mongering claiming that Trump is a racist and hater of certain religious groups. Trump knows that the responsibility of any government is protection of lives and properties of the citizens and if any group constitutes a threat to that they need to be faced and dealt with squarely. Those who cannot conform to the culture or way of life of United States have no reason being there. You find people from poorly run countries, and indeed very intolerant countries in Middle East and Africa who had carried placards in the past with inscription "death to America" moving to the same America they condemn to enjoy the successes of America. If only they had moved to America to enjoy the good life it would have been okay, they also arrived America with their religious and cultural intolerance that had destroyed their home countries to their host country who incidentally is the leader of the free world. The Trump message is clear, if you hate America stay in your countries. If you are in search of the American Dream you are welcome.
The other day a man who told me to my face at the height of the 2015 presidential elections campaign that Igbo would never be allowed to produce president in Nigeria, and that after Buhari’s eight years, the Yoruba would take over unashamedly called Donald Trump, a racist and a religious bigot. These are the type of characters that when they find themselves in United States they want to invoke their universal human rights as cover to impose their beliefs on very accommodating Americans and supported by irresponsible liberals like President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The last time Obama was in Saudi Arabia, the word ‘human right’ could not come out of the mouth of the strongest president in the world in a country where it is a sin to enter with a Bible. He reserved his campaign for human rights in United States and Europe and parts of Africa where his and Hillary Clinton’s liberal policies have emboldened terrorists. He was the one who denied President Goodluck Jonathan arms to fight Boko Haram claiming that Nigerian soldiers were killing innocent people while confronting terrorists in the North East. While his government denied Nigeria arms it could not use its well-known international network to stop Boko Haram from getting arms. By Obama’s actions implemented by Hillary Clinton and John Kerry no responsible American who cares about the place of America in the world would vote for Hillary Clinton. A vote for Clinton is a vote for the continuation of the failed policies and actions of Obama which have compromised world peace and endangered our world more than ever before.
Another reason Americans should reject Hillary Clinton who has never distanced herself from Obama’s failed foreign policies misadventure was Obama’s treatment of Israel in the last eight years. Instead of empowering Israel like other presidents before him Obama was more concerned about empowering the enemies of Israel, masked in his warped liberal political correctness that has emboldened the enemies of Israel. Despite complaints by Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Obama engineered the lifting of sanctions against Iran, a state that threatened to wipe Israel off the map of the world, because he doesn’t give a damn about the future of God’s people. Americans should not reward him by electing another liberal as president, when they have a man like Donald Trump, who is committed to making America Great Again.
From Nigeria to Egypt, from Somalia to South Sudan, from Iraq to Syria; from Libya to Yemen, Obama has left trails of failed and failing states and the hope of the world is now placed on Donald Trump whose foreign policy outlined recently showed clearly that he understands where the root of the problems disturbing world’s peace lies.
Follow me on twitter: @pauluwadima
