Why I Detest Obama/Biden And Support Trump
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Biden and Trump |
Nigeria is today suffering under President Barack Obama instigated terrorism. Nigeria is no longer safe because of his administration’s foreign policy in Africa and Middle East. If President Barack
Obama and Vice President Joe Biden had not killed Muammar Gaddaffi, Libya would have been in peace today as one united country. Obama/Biden made Libya a failed state with two or more governments presently. Libyans are at war today because
of Obama/Biden. The instability in Libya is one of the reasons farmers can no longer go to farm in Nigeria. They are killed in their farms with arms flooding the Sahel region of West Africa from Libya. The death of Gaddaffi and destruction
of Libya marked escalation of instability in our region. From Mali to Niger, Burkina Faso to Senegal terrorism is on the increase because of Obama/Biden. Today when we lament the sacking of villages and killing of hundreds of Nigerians in
their community, our lamentation should be against those that supported the destruction of Libya. And they are Obama/Biden and Hillary Clinton, the then secretary of state. What they did in Libya was so terrible and could have sent Hillary
to jail, but the woman shredded the emails that were the key evidence against her. Till date Trump still calls out Hillary on that emails that she destroyed. It is illegal to destroy evidence. And for those who are calling Trump a racist
because he failed to condemn White Supremacists, well who is more racist against Nigerians than Barack Obama and Joe Biden? When the Ebola Virus afflicted Nigeria, Nigerian government ran to the United States government led by Obama for
drugs, Obama refused to release the drugs and we were left to our own devices. Thankfully left with no choice, President Goodluck Jonathan and Minister of Health, Dr Onyebuchi mobilized the best hands that were available in the country and
to the shock of racist Obama administration, we defeated Ebola on our own. If Ebola was wiping out Nigerians at the time Obama was not ready to raise a finger to support Nigeria. Not to be forgotten was the role of Obama in prolonging the
war against Boko Haram terrorists. Don’t forget that the Boko Haram terrorism and insurgency was at its peak when Barack Obama and Joe Biden were president and vice president respectively of the United States. At the time the Nigerian
government wanted to buy weapons to wipe out these terrorists troubling our nation. Our then president Dr Goodluck Jonathan requested to buy arms from the United States which would have made huge difference in the war against terrorism and
insurgency in the North East, but Obama refused to sell to Nigeria. When asked why he cited human rights violations by our military in the North East and invoking the so-called Leahy’s law. The Leahy’s law was named after Senator Philip
Leahy who proposed it and it states that “No assistance shall be furnished under this Act or the Arms Export Control Act to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible information that such
unit has committed a gross violation of human rights.” However, while Obama refused to sell weapons to Nigeria citing the Leahy’s law, he was selling far more sophisticated weapons to countries with worst human rights records like the Saudi
Arabia and Egypt amongst others. A hypocrite of the highest order! Do you know how many Nigerians died because of what Obama/Biden did and you expect me to support them in 2020 presidential election. If I know what I know and support Biden
then the money spent on my education was a waste! I supported Trump in 2016 and to be honest he has not disappointed me or Americans who wanted real change, unlike the kind of change promised by Obama/Biden in 2008. The American economy has
been booming in the last four years of Trump leadership with the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the country. Almost everyone who wants to work found work, including black Americans who under Obama’s eight years was the most
economically deprived segment of the society. But for coronavirus, which wiped away much of these economic gains, Trump’s reelection would not have been a contest. Even at that the odds favour him if you look beyond the cobwebs of the
biased United States media. And on a personal note as a Christian, I know that Trump cares about what happens to me in Nigeria. Recently, President Buhari admitted in public that in one of his visits to the White House, Trump took him to
his office and looked him straight in the face and asked, “Why are you killing Christians?” And Nigerian president was put in a position where he had to defend the actions of his government. That question had an impact on Buhari whether we
like it or not. In that visit in question, after the two leaders met in Trump’s office, while they were at the Rose Garden to face the press, Trump still repeated that United States would no longer tolerate the killing of Christians in
Nigeria! I love my religion, the way others love theirs and anyone who would stand up for me when I need protection to practice it, deserves my support through my writings if I have no dollars to send to support his or her campaign!
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